Monday 31 October 2016

Shakeology Ingredients

The Complete List Shakeology Ingredients & Nutrition Facts

Before doing any research about nutritional shakes, you should know that Shakeology is well known for its different flavors, and is extremely highly rated for its healthy ingredients and nutrition facts. As you might suspect, each flavor has somewhat different ingredients. Due to this fact, it's not a good idea to look at the ingredient list of one flavor and presume the other flavors have the sam ones. That said, most flavors do have a lot of ingredients in common, so for the most part the core of each shake remains pretty much the same.

One of the most important things to know, and one of Shakeology's claims to fame is the massive amounts of nutrients and vitamins that are contained in each flavor. This is the core of what makes Shakeology so popular, and why people are so passionate about using it as a core component of their commitment to better health. When used alongside a health diet and fitness plan, Shakeoloyg has proven time and time again, that it can be a key component to better digestion, weight loss, and to helping folks have more energy. This is largely due to what's inside: Each shake is packed full a number of different superfoods. For example, wheat grass is contained in several of the flavors.

>>CLICK HERE for a 7 Day Trial of Shakeology!

How Many Calories?

You can expect to see between 150 and 200 calories in each flavor. While all the flavors are in that range, different flavors have slightly different calorie counts. In addition, you can plan on getting anywhere from 1 to 10 grams of carbs and sugars, 15 to 20 grams of protein, and around 5 grams of fiber. Since each flavor is slightly different, the best you can get is a range if all you're looking for is general information. That's why it's important to get more details, which you can find later in this review.

In addition to the nutrients, there are also several ingredients that help boost energy. These ingredients also tend to keep your appetite suppressed. Due to this, you can also treat Shakeology shakes as meal replacement shakes. However, if you choose to do that you might need more than one shake, depending on your calorie needs. After all, liquids do process through the body at a quicker pace than solids.

The Different Flavors

Since most of the flavors have a slightly different ingredient list, each flavor will also have slightly different nutritional facts.

We can start with the all new Cafe Latte as an example. The Cafe Latte contains precisely 150 calories. Of those, only 15 are from fat. The most prominent vitamins in the Cafe Latte flavor are Thiamine, Vitamin B12, and Manganese, each at 100% of your daily value (which are always based on a 2000 calorie a day diet). The next most prominent is Vitamin A, which is also at 100%, and Vitamin C which sits at a whopping 300%.

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Next is Chocolate, which is their best selling flavor (and probably my personal favorite). It contains 160 calories. Slightly more of those calories are from fat, 20 as opposed to the 15 in Cafe Latte. The most notable vitamins in the Chocolate flavor are the exact same as Cafe Latte, with one exception. Chocolate contains a great deal of Vitamin B6, allowing it to meet 100% of your daily requirements.

The next best selling flavor, Vanilla, has the least number of calories out of any of the flavors. It contains a mere 130 calories. Even so, you'll still be getting 15 calories from fat. As for the vitamins and minerals, Vanilla and Chocolate actually are interchangeable. They contain the same ones, at the same amounts.

Strawberry is the next flavor on the list, and it is no different from the Vanilla flavor. So you can consider those two flavors completely interchangeable as well.

Greenberry on the other hand is nutritionally the same as Vanilla and Strawberry. However, it is worthwhile to take a moment to figure out what “greenberry” even is. The flavor is a blend of goji berry, bilberry, and green tea. There's also a touch of cherry, as well. This adds up to an interesting fruit flavor that is none the less subdued thanks to the green tea.

Vegan Options

Vegan Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate are the flavors where the nutritional facts begin to change notably. Due to the shakes being vegan, they simply don't have the same ingredient list. They can't, if they're going to be vegan. Not only that, but they have a few subtle differences between the two, even though they're overall quite similar. As an example, both flavors contain 170 calories. However, the Vegan Chocolate flavor has a higher calories from fat count, sitting at 35. The Vegan Tropical Strawberry contains a “mere” 30, which is still a big departure from the 15 and 20 calories from fat in the other flavors. Not only that, but the Vegan Chocolate has 4 grams worth of saturated fats. The Vegan Tropical Strawberry has fewer, but not by much. You can find 3.5 grams in that flavor.

Both the Vegan Chocolate and the Vegan Tropical Strawberry contain quite a bit of sodium, as well. Vegan Chocolate contains 300mg, while the Vegan Tropical Strawberry has 250mg. Still, this is only 13% and 10% of the daily nutritional requirements, respectively.


As anyone who knows about vegan food products would expect, both flavors have less Vitamin A and Vitamin C than the non-vegan flavors. They have 2% less Vitamin A, and a whopping 33% less Vitamin C. This is only natural. Without animal byproducts, some vitamins and minerals are simply more difficult to get into one's diet. Of course, anyone who eats a vegan diet no doubt has ways to get their needed vitamins.

Are There Downsides?

Plain and simple, there are no perfect products. If you're holding out for such a product, you might as well resign yourself to waiting for the rest of your life. That being said, when it comes to nutritional shakes, Shakeology is as close as it gets to perfection! They offer a huge variety, and a lot of nutrition, which is great news when you're on the lookout for healthy ingredients. With that said, it does come at a cost. A months' supply of shakes will cost you $129.99 (there are ways to reduce that – becoming a BeachBody Coach for example). There are other payment options, such as a 7 day trial for $34.99, but even those are costly. In point of fact, if you try to get a months' worth of those, you'll be paying $10 more than if you just buy a months' worth. So if you're hoping to find an inexpensive diet shake, Shakeology may not be for you. Even though the cost might hold some people back, ultimately you have to decide how much you value your health. If you're committed to living a healthier life, then Shakeology is probably worth the cost – I know it was for me!

Why Do People Try Shakeology?

There isn't a single person out there who wouldn't love to lose a few pounds. While obesity has become a growing problem in the United States, even people who are generally within a healthy weight range tend to have poor diets. This means it's always worthwhile to find a way to eat more nutritiously.

Unfortunately, any need creates a market, and any market creates scam products. It's an unfortunate truth that many companies would rather make a quick dollar than sell a dependable product. And it doesn't take long before people use a few of these scam products and quite fairly decide nothing works. After all, they tried several products, and none of them worked! That's plenty of proof!


Given how many scam products are out on the market, many people understandably have a hard time trusting new diet options. On the plus side, knowing what ingredients the product has can go a long way to figuring out whether or not the product is actually worth the cost. What is a diet product if not the sum of its ingredients? So it's an incredibly good idea to ensure you take some time to study the ingredients of any diet product you consider buying.

A Brief Overview of Shakeology

If you aren't familiar with Shakeology, then I recommend reading our comprehensive review. If you don't have the time though, here's a quick rundown. Shakeology is the nutritional supplement shake offered by BeachBody. BeachBody has a proven track record of amazing diet and weight loss products. They're the brains behind the P90X workout, which is widely considered to be one of the best workout programs on the market. This gives them a proven track record with health and fitness.

Shakeology, as the name suggests, is a diet shake. This means it's not a program, and not intended to be a program. If you're looking for detailed, day to day instructions on how to eat right or approach a workout, you're liable to be disappointed. It's going to be up to you to figure out how to use Shakeology shakes in your diet. The best way to do this is to get a good handle on the ingredients of each shake. Luckily, that information is easily available. Just keep reading!


Still, while cheaper diet shakes do exist, you're unlikely to find any that offer as much benefit as Shakeology does. Shakeology has been scientifically tested for health and weight loss on multiple occasions. Every time, science has proven that they fulfill the promises the company makes.

Does it Work?

After everything, there's only one last question to answer: Will Shakeology work for you? That question provides the context that would make $129.99 feel like a reasonable amount to pay. After all, if it works, then it was worth the money.

Naturally, the answer is that yes, it does work. As long as you're using Shakeology shakes as directed, they can help you lose weight. Of course, the important thing is using them as directed. There is no wishing star for weight loss. There's no magic bullet. Shakeology shakes are a tool, and you have to use them as such. Only then can they work. But as long as you're willing to put in the effort and use them appropriately, then you'll watch the pounds melt off.

>>CLICK HERE for a 7 Day Trial of Shakeology!


The post Shakeology Ingredients appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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