Thursday 20 October 2016

The HMR Diet – Is it Effective for Weight Loss?

HMR Diet Reviews

When you want to be sure that you are able to get the most out of your health and fitness, it is critically important that look into some models that will be useful to you. There are a number of diet and nutrition programs in place which will allow you to get the most out of your health in a way that allows you to slim down, cut fat and lose more weight than ever. By doing this, you will have the opportunity to meet your weight loss goals to the best of your ability. By factoring in these tips below, you will have a greater understanding of the HMR Diet, how it can help you and how you can begin taking advantage of it.

In that regard, do your research, check with your physician and begin applying these principles in a way that lets you capitalize on your goals.


What is the HMR Diet?

In summary, the HMR Diet is a plan that will allow you to meet your weight loss goals with some strategic meal replacement options. In most cases, these meal replacement options consist of swapping out less healthy foods with some fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables. This plan also involves increasing your physical activity in order to speed up your heart rate, raise your metabolism and allow you to burn calories in a safe and healthy manner. There are a number of details associated with this diet which will allow you to meet even your toughest weight loss targets.

What are the Benefits?

Before jumping out and taking advantage of this diet plan, you need to learn exactly how it will benefit you. First and foremost, schedule an appointment with your physician and take a copy of the diet plan, in order to receive a physical and make sure that you are fit and healthy enough to handle this plan. By getting an appointment with your doctor to discuss this plan, you will be able to learn first of all, whether this diet plan is advantageous to you on a personal level. Some people may have certain dietary needs or restrictions which may limit their ability to use certain diets. It is best to get the OK from your doctor before engaging in any sort of stark change in your diet.

Once you have gotten the thumbs up from your doctor to proceed with the HMR Diet, you will be able to go through the advantages of this plan in order to understand exactly how and why it will be tremendously helpful to you. One of the main benefits of this diet is that it is a holistic way of losing weight and is conducive to setting up healthy lifestyle habits over the long term. The fatal flaw of many diet plans is that they are often just bandaid solutions, as opposed to longterm, holistic changes. With the HMR Diet, you will receive a plan that will help you get more active, explore foods that energize you as opposed to draining your energy, and you get personal coaching and education that will make it easier for you to handle these changes.


Another great benefit is that this plan can be handled by just about anyone, regardless of their fitness and health background. For instance, the program gets people started with easy physical activities, such as walking around your neighborhood for 15 to 20 minute intervals. It also will educate you on some of the healthiest foods that you can add to your diet, showing you what they will do for you and why they should be eaten. Further, it comes equipped with thoroughly researched diet plans which will help you to avoid overwhelm and decision fatigue, which is one of the leading contributing factors to making rash food decisions and making unhealthy snack choices between meals. By having these details laid out in front of you, you will have the opportunity to make wise and intelligent decisions, which are researched and clinically proven to provide results.

How Long has it Been Around?

This diet has been around and proven for a whopping 30 years! With three decades of experience, it is clear that you will be able to receive results when you take advantage of it. A major reason that this diet has stood the test of time and outlasted many fad diets is that it was crafted and put in place by licensed doctors and nutrition scientists. Because of this, people who take advantage of it can put trust in the fact that it is based on science and has results that are tried and true.

How Does it Work?

The science behind these diets is that you will be able to go through this plan without having to starve and suffer. A lot of diets get people to cut out crucial food groups or cut too many calories, essentially expecting results by going into starvation mode. Conversely, the HMR Diet is set up to allow you to eat your fill of healthy and nutritious foods, ensuring that you get your fill of plenty of calories that will keep you satisfied, as opposed to having your blood sugar levels thrown out of whack. When you take the time to go onto the HMR Diet, you will have the opportunity to eat your fill of any HMR approved meals, so that it is easier to get through it. Doing this will allow you to stay true to your diet, as opposed to quitting it out of frustration. Another way that the HMR Diet works is by providing you with coaching that will walk you through each and every process. This way, you will be covered on all bases, since the coaches will provide you with both scientific expertise and the encouragement that you need to get through your diet and stick to it until you get the results that you desire.

The Phases of the Diet

The HMR Diet is broken down into two key phases, as explained below.

Phase 1:

The first phase of the HMR Diet revolves around a quick jump start into the program. This jump start is intended for people who may have a lot of weight to lose, and want to see quick results in order to establish foundational levels. In this phase, you will receive a kit that features the foods that will get you through the first three weeks of the diet, except for fruits and veggies, which you will be able to purchase on your own. From here, you will be sent more food kits from the company on a bi-weekly basis. This phase is useful for people who are constantly on the go or busy, because it allows you to get most of the food you need without having to make multiple trips to the grocery store or go through extensive food prep. It is also during this phase that you will learn foundational principles about eating healthy, working out and being more mindful overall about what goes into your body.

The time that you spend in the first phase will depend on your weight loss goals and the amount of time it takes to hit your initial target. After completing phase one, you will be able to move on to phase two.

Phase 2:

During this phase, the company will send you meals on a monthly basis, as opposed to every two weeks. You will be able to go through more extensive diet and lifestyle changes in this phase, including 35 weekly servings of produce and a mixture of healthy foods that are non-HMR. This phase typically lasts one to two months and will allow you to get your fill of lean proteins in the form of low calorie meats and seafood.

Great Food Choices


There are a number of delectable food options included in your meal plan that you will be able to take advantage of. As an example of what these sample meal plans have to offer, you'll be able to enjoy blended whole grains, oats, cranberries and pieces of toasted apple for breakfast, and a mandarin chicken spinach salad with garbanzo beans and vinaigrette dressing for lunch. You'll be able to get your fill of plenty of smoothies and shakes, including the mixed berry smoothie and vanilla protein shake. For dinner, you'll be able to take advantage of such hefty offerings like vegetarian basil ravioli, along with strawberry lemon pudding for dessert. As you can see, you'll be able to make healthy changes in your life, without having to starve yourself or survive on boring salads.

How Much Does HMR Cost?

The cost of the plan starts at $265 for the 3-week phase one starter kit and then costs $180 for meal kits sent every two weeks after that. You can also purchase a la carte shakes and food offerings for about 2 bucks each.


The most important takeaway about the HMR Diet is that it works and allows you to learn about healthy living, while making life long changes. Put these practical guidelines to use and reach out to the company to learn more.



US News & World Report

Hackley Health Management

The post The HMR Diet – Is it Effective for Weight Loss? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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