Tuesday 25 October 2016

The 3 Day Diet Reviewed

The 3-Day Diet Review – Is it a Safe Way to Lose Weight?

Losing weight can be one of the hardest tasks for many people because it means sacrificing some type of food and controlling the amount of food you actually eat. Many people fail to make it to the end of the weight loss program because they quickly lose motivation and defer back to their bad habits. That is why the 3 Day Diet has become so popular, is because it lasts only 3 days! Now, before we dive into to whether or not this is an effective or healthy way to lose weight, let's take a deeper look at dieting itself, and why people are so quick to jump ship:

At times, some people will give up because they did not see results as quickly as might have they expected. There are also many other factors that can cause a person to stop dieting.

It is important to know more about whatever weight loss program you might choose before actually trying it – for that reason we really recommend that you research the programs as much as possible before diving in. That is why we try to provide honest, detailed reviews of diets that we have tried, or ones that are extremely popular and have a long track record of proven success.


Dieting is a popular way to shed extra pounds and has been around for many years. Many diets have come and go. Diets work on the principle of less calorie intake. When a person eats fewer calories, there will be a caloric deficit and this forces the body to use fat for energy. With the right diet plan, a person can expect to lose a considerable amount of weight. One mistake that many people make is trying to modify the diet. This is never a good idea, and it can be the line between failing to lose weight and losing weight. One of the most common diets is the 3-day diet.

History of the 3-Day Diet

The 3-day diet is a diet is a popular diet that dates back to 1985. You can reportedly expect super-fast weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and a full body cleansing using this diet. The diet goes by different names including the Fax diet, Navy diet, Army diet, Cleveland Clinic Diet, and many others. There are many medical institutions that have claimed to create a version of the diet, no specific one has come forward to claim responsibility or even recommend this diet.

3 Day Refresh from Beachbody

While all of these are great, we recommend the Beachbody 3 Day Refresh System, as it is geared to get you body and weight back on track, but it is also is designed to teach you new healthy eating habits, so you can continue making the right decisions and losing weight. On top of that, it also utilizes one of our favorite nutritional shakes – Shakeology – so you can feel confident that there are plenty of healthy and highly rated foods as part of the program.

>>CLICK HERE to Learn More about 3 Day Refresh

The Original Diet Plan

The 3-day diet is a very low calorie diet. You are then required to stick with the plan for three days. Under the traditional diet, you would then resume your normal eating habits for four to five days before repeating the cycle. The diet often promises weight loss of up to 10 pounds in just three days. This is to prevent the body's metabolic rate from slowing down and maintain the right metabolic reaction as a result of the diet.

In order to be effective, the diet needs to be followed accurately. You must follow the guidelines when measuring your portions. If you overeat, then the 3-day diet will not deliver the results you were supposed to get. Under the old diet plan, there wasn't really a plan for exercise. Again, if you follow something like the 3 Day Refresh system, you're obviously going to changing the way you eat of the three days, but because it's from a company like Beachbody, then you know that exercise will also be apart of anything they promote. Plus, if you get the right amount of exercise you will probably be able to accelerate your results, so that is also something to keep in mind and consider.


With all of this in mind, let's take a quick look at what it might look like if you try the traditional version of the diet plan. First, it is very important to follow the diet exactly the way it is designed. This is because the food they suggest will all work together to provide you more energy, boost your metabolism, help with sugar swings, and jump-start the process of burning fat – which is probably why you're trying the diet in the first place!


Make sure to weigh yourself on the morning of the first day, and then wait until the morning of the fourth day before jumping on the scale again. You may also want to take measurements too. In any case, this will give you the best idea of the results you achieved over the course of the 3 days, and whether or not you want to try it again, or if you want to move on to something else.

Here are just a few of other factors to keep in mind before diving in: Remember there is no snacking between meals; you only eat the food you are required to during the mealtime. Under this plan you are trying to rewire your metabolism, and snacking will undo all the progress you would have made.


Day 1

One the first day, you will be taking a total of 870 calories. Breakfast will be 219 calories, lunch 183 calories, and dinner 468 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • Half grapefruit or half cup grapefruit juice – contains 41 calories

  • A slice of toast with 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter – contains 178 calories



  • Half a cup of Tune – contains 100 calories

  • A slice of toast – contains 83 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories


  • 3 ounces of any lean meat – contains 94 calories

  • A cup of green beans – contains 34 calories

  • A cup of carrots – contains 52 calories

  • A cup of ice cream (vanilla) – contains 288 calories

  • A medium apple

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

Day 2

On the second day, you are required to take in around 1149 calories. Breakfast will be about 266 calories, lunch will be around 273 calories, and dinner will be about 610 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • An egg (any preparation method you want) – contains 78 calories

  • A slice toast – contains 83 calories

  • A banana – contains 105 calories


  • A cup of 2 percent cottage cheese – contains 203 calories

  • Saltine crackers – contains 70 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories


  • Two hot dogs or beef franks – contains 300 calories

  • Half cup carrots – contains 26 calories

  • A banana – contains 105 calories

  • One cup cabbage or brocoli – contains 35 calories

  • Half a cup of ice cream (vanilla) – contains 144 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

Day 3

You are required to take a total of 859 calories on the third day. Breakfast will be 222 calories, lunch will be 161 calories, and dinner will be 476 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • 5 regular saltine crackers – contains 70 calories

  • One ounce of cheddar cheese – contains 100 calories

  • A small apple – contains 52 calories


  • One hard-boiled egg – contains 78 calories

  • A slice toast – contains 83 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories



  • A cup of Tuna – contain 200 calories

  • A cup of carrots – contains 52 calories

  • A cup of cauliflower – contains 23 calories

  • A cup of melon –contains 57 calories

  • Half a cup of regular ice cream (vanilla) – contains 144 calories

One good thing about the 3-day diet is the flexibility. If you don't have certain foods, you can substitute them with other foods with the same number of calories. Remember you can substitute a protein for a protein or a vegetable for a vegetable. Some of the diet additions allowed include lemon, mustard, gum/mints (provided they are sugar-free), cooking spray, Splenda, lemon pepper seasoning, a dash of salt and pepper.

One question that many people ask is whether they can exercise in this diet. The answer is yes. The duration and type of exercise you choose will depend on how lean you are and your current activity level.

If you are overweight, then it can be a good idea to take a brisk walk around the block. You will start to gain muscles, and the more you gain the more you can exercise. You will start looking leaner and more tones. Your general health will improve. Some great exercise you can do when on this diet include walking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming, and using the treadmill. Make sure you discuss with your doctor before you begin any exercise program especially when you have a medical condition.

One problem that people may have after losing weight on this diet is keeping it off. It is important to drink a lot of water and take dietary supplements after you finish the diet. Make sure you increase your activity level and eat healthier types of food.

Dieting is not as hard as it may seem. Following the diet guidelines is the first step in losing weight and getting the body you have always wanted.

It is always important to remember that dieting is not a long term thing, you will have to adopt a healthier lifestyle to maintain your new weight or even reduce more, which is exactly why we recommend the 3 Day Refresh from Beachbody. They set you up for life after the cleanse, so you can continue to healthy and have a plan to follow beyond the 3 Days. Check out their official site below:

>>CLICK HERE to Learn More About the 3 Day Refresh System

You should ALWAYS consult with your doctor before trying a diet or exercise plan to make sure you are healthy enough!

The post The 3 Day Diet Reviewed appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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