Friday 28 October 2016

Shakeology Price

How Much Does Shakeology Cost?

Shakeology is one of the most popular nutritional shakes on the market today, and for good reason – it's packed full essential vitamins and minerals, it tastes great, and it can help you lose weight when used alongside a well-balanced diet and exercise program. With all of that being said, how much does it cost, and it is worth the price?

What Is Shakeology?

Team BeachBody, the minds behind the P90X Workout, have created a great meal replacement shake that's sure to help you lose weight and get fit. Since they've already created many high quality programs like the P90X workout, 21 Day Fix, and many more, you can trust that their meal replacement shake is worth trying, and better yet it tastes delicious!


And that's exactly what Shakeology is, a meal replacement shake. If you've become used to drinking a variety of different weight loss shakes over the years, it's definitely possible that they've left a bad taste in your mouth – literally! I know I have tried my fair share of shakes and drink over the years, and I know personally that many of them taste terrible. They either leave a super chalky taste in your mouth, or they don't taste as advertised. Well, that's not the the case with Shakeology – it truly does taste great, has a fantastic texture, and will help you lose weight when used correctly. While it may seem expensive at first, Team BeachBody offers some fantastic pricing options that can make things a little easier on your wallet.

>>CLICK HERE for the BEST DEAL on Shakeology!

(7 Day Sampler Currently Being Offered)

The Price Of Shakeology

Shakeology typically costs $129.99 per month, with their auto-delivery plan. While that's technically true, it leaves out a lot of nuance as to how you can pay and what exactly you're getting for that price. There are certainly other options when signing up, so take a close look at the sign up page – there is a 7 day trial, for example, that costs much less than $130.

For $129.99, you have two basic options: One is that you get a container of Shakeology shake mix containing 30 servings. The other is that you can get 24 individual packets of mix. While it might seem odd that 30 days or 24 days worth of shakes would be the same price, it makes sense when you consider the benefits. One such benefit is that packets are generally easier to carry with you when you have to travel. In addition, you won't have to worry about accidentally using too much mix when you make a shake. However, the main benefit is the variety of flavors.

Shakeology nutritional shakes are well known for having some amazing flavors. Naturally, they have the basic chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors you would expect out of nutritional shakes. But in addition to that, they also have chocolate and strawberry vegan flavors, as well as flavors such as greenberry (a flavoring based on green tea), and cafe au late.

As such, the benefit of getting 24 packets of mix as opposed to one container of 30 servings is that with packets, you can choose to get different flavors all at once. And in point of fact, they offer several such combination sales! Right now, combo boxes such as chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and greenberry, and chocolate and vanilla and strawberry are available, as well as several more.


Personally, I go with the Chocolate/Strawberry/Vanilla combo-pack every month. It provides a nice variety of flavors, and I think all three taste great!

What if You Just Want to Try it Out?

Even with all the flavors available, many people still balk at the $129.99 price tag. This is understandable, as it is quite a bit of money. However, you don't have to pay that much just to try the product. Team BeachBody now offers a 7 day trial pack.

For $34.99, you can get one packet of each flavor Team BeachBody offers. This is a much more manageable price for someone who's interested, but not quite sure they want to commit. It also gives you an opportunity to taste each flavor and decide which ones you like the most.

Beachbody Coach Discount

And of course, if you do want to commit to a months' supply of Shakeology shakes, but are still concerned about the price, you could always become a BeachBody coach. By becoming a coachyou get a discount on Shakeology shakes, so if you're super passionated about fitness and nutrition, you might want to consider becoming coach, and helping others reach their weight loss and fitness dreams – plus there are a lot of other perks too!

So is Shakeology Worth it?

At the end of the day, there isn't another nutritional shake on the market that can do as much for you as Shakeology. The shakes are made by a team with a proven track record, and there are even options depending on how you'd like to purchase. While the $129 per month price tag could certainly be considered expensive, you ultimately have to decide how much you value your health – can you really put a price tag on it? For me, I decided to sign up after thinking about it like this: If I'm replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, I'm probably going to end up SAVING money over the longterm. At that price a Shakeology shake costs you about $4.33 per day, which is pretty much the cost a latte these days, so I don't really view it as an extravagance when it's something that provides so many health benefits.

Final Thoughts


With all of this being said, you might not even know that much about Shakeology, so be sure to check out our full review page for a much more detailed write up about it. For now, just know that I've been drinking Shakeology for almost a year now, and so has my family. Recently I have been using it alongside intermittent fasting, but that is a whole other topic, and deserves a much more detailed write-up, so keep an eye out for that!

Personally, I am happy to recommend Shakeology if you have been looking for nutritional shake that tastes great, has a variety of flavors, and most importantly – can help you lose weight! I really can't say enough good things about Shakeology, so if you have been looking for a new shake to try, I would definitely recommend this one – and if you're on the fence go with their 7 Day Sampler to get a fill for the program.

>>CLICK HERE for the BEST DEAL on Shakeology!

(7 Day Sampler Currently Being Offered)

Shakeology Ingredients




The post Shakeology Price appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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