Friday 21 October 2016

Shakeology Reviews – How Fast Until You'll See Results?

Shakeology by Beachbody: Healthy Supplements Done Right

There are many different products and programs out there that focus on providing a way to live healthier or lose weight, or even do both. Some of the best reviewed drink supplements out there not only act as meal replacements but are also designed to be healthy to an extent that they can be used for increasing your workout results, losing weight, or even as part of a program for bulking up. Shakeology from Beachbody is one of those drinks. I can tell you from experience that it is absolutely one of the best nutrition shakes on the market today. This is for a variety of reasons, but here are three of the biggest reasons I think it's a GREAT shake:

  1. It Tastes GREAT! It truly does taste awesome, which has been a welcome quality when compared to the gritty, nasty taking workout shakes I've used in the past.

  2. It's Super HEALTHY! Just take a look at the nutrition label, and you'll see that Shakeology is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and other great ingredients.

  3. It Produces RESULTS! In the six months or so since starting Shakeology I've lost about 10 pounds, and I'm still working on losing more. Now that may not sound like a ton of weight, but I only have about 10 or 15 pounds that I was hoping to drop when I started the shake, so for me that's been an ideal number. Now, I would think someone could definitely could lose more weight than that, if that was their goal


With all of that being said, let's take a closer look at what this drink is really all about, and why it has received one our highest endorsements.

What Is Shakeology?

Shakeology is affiliated with the Beachbody workout programs, but it is fully functional in and of itself as a great supplemental drink that can do wonders when it comes to revitalizing your health and helping with weight loss. Unless you are specifically looking to bulk up, Shakeology works most often as a meal replacement, although some people have chosen to use it as an after workout treat and seen strong success with using it in that role, as well.

This drink mix is a major part of the Beachbody program and being able to eat healthier. There is a heavy emphasis on nutrition and having the right natural ingredients to promote health in all its ways. Providing a full range of antioxidants is just as important as providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals (especially those that most people too often don't get nearly enough of), positive dietary fiber, and ingredients that have a reputation for improving organ health, immune functions, and every other part of the body.

This is a nutritional approach that tackles every part of what the body needs to provide the best possible overall effect on the body. By making every part of the system healthier and allowing your body to work a little bit more smoothly, the overall end results will be better from losing excess weight to having more energy and feeling better.

How Does it Work?

Shakeology is used like protein powder or any meal replacement shake. A mixture is added with ingredients like milk, water, ice, and maybe even some of your favorite fruits and blended into a delicious shake that then provides all the nutrients you need as your own version of a “super food” shake. There are seven different flavors that are currently sold under the Beachbody Shakeology brand, not counting the current “Boosts” that are also available.

Whether you use it as a replacement for breakfast (most common), a different meal, or as an after workout treat (or both) you will almost certainly see strong results very quickly from adding Shakeology to your daily routine.

What Are The Ingredients?

The mainstay of Shakeology is the fact that their based ingredients in the powder is their “proprietary protein blend.” Instead of focusing on just one or two sources for their protein, they have their blend from five different sources including:

– Chia

– Flax

– Pea

– Whey

– Quinoa

These protein sources are all extremely well thought of and create a unique blend that only comes from Shakeology mixes. In addition to this, there are multiple blends brought in of “super greens,” “fruit based antioxidants,” “probiotic & digestive health blends,” and more. These blends bring in the benefits of every type of superfood you've heard about recently from the ability to aid digestion to getting rid of antioxidants throughout the body, to cleansing the body of the bad while making it receptive to more vitamins and minerals, this particular mix literally has it all.


The full list of ingredients found in each blend can be found easily online, in addition to the daily health percentages that come with all the vitamins and minerals that are available.

How Is It Healthy?

The key to Shakeology being healthy is those list of ingredients. High protein diets are in for a reason, and having the ability to replace a meal with a shake, get all that healthy protein, antioxidants, digestive aids, vitamins and minerals without any of the negatives that sometimes come with certain types of food is invaluable.

Everyone understands the benefit of things like super greens, probiotics, and antioxidants. However even beyond this, the vitamin and mineral percentages that come with this mix are off the charts impressive.

Just a short sample includes:

– 100% daily Vitamin B12

– 100% daily Manganese

– 100% daily Thiamine

– 100% daily Vitamin B6

– 300% daily Vitamin C

– 76% daily Riboflavin

– 100% daily Vitamin A

Why Is This Drink Great For Weight Loss?

First, because this drink is protein heavy and loaded with vitamins, it is going to make you feel full. That's extremely important with any weight loss plan because if it feels like you're on a diet, eventually you are going to quit. On top of this, you get more than a day's worth of protein to jump start the fat burning, plenty of vitamins for energy, and at far less calories than what it would take in food in order to take care of those same daily nutritional needs.

Many meal replacement drinks don't give enough protein or enough energy to really get you going and keep you moving throughout an entire day, but Shakeology actually takes care of this quite well even for those individuals who are extremely active.

How Much Does it Cost?

As of this article the cost is about $129.95 for a 30 day supply. Sometimes this can be found for a little bit less because of a sale, but it is a touch on the pricey side compared with many other shakes but the truth is that Shakeology is clearly a step above the competition in a variety of ways, and you aren't paying for extra marketing in this case you actually are paying for results.

How does Shakeology stand up to others via comparison? For one, the protein blend is really unique because it involves so many different protein sources. Adding in the deep greens, the probiotics to fix digestion (most people have some digestion issues and don't even know it), and the myriad of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals creates a combination that no one else is matching.

Add in the fact these are coming from real ingredients and not purely synthetic or chemically created powders makes them even better as an option. Why go for a cheap knock off when you can get the absolute premium protein shake and/or meal replacement powder. The fact this can be attached to nearly any diet or exercise program and deliver positive results makes it stand out even more.


When you place an order, you'll receive a really cool recipe guide, so you can try a bunch of different shakes.

So while the cost is a little bit much compared to the average protein powder, it's important to note that this is not your average protein powder. It is definitely the premium choice in the field and that's why it's priced accordingly. When you realize it only comes out to a little over $4 a day, it goes to show how reasonable it can actually be.


There are many different flavors available through Shakeology, which allows for a surprising number of choices no matter what your tastes are. In addition to the basic seven flavors that are currently available, there is a very active Beachbody community that continues to share their favorite mixes, shakes, meal replacements, and more. In other words, there is no shortage of Shakeology inspired shake recipes out there. You can find one that works for you and brings you a flavor you will really enjoy.

While more flavors will be released in the future, as of now current Shakeology flavors include:

– Vanilla

– Chocolate

– Strawberry

– Cafe Latte

– Chocolate Vegan

– Tropical Strawberry Vegan

– Greenberry

Shakeology “Boosts”

While not officially part of the Shakeology lineup, there are focused energy boosts that are designed to be mixed in with your normal Shakeology mixes. These boosts are aimed at specific naturally delivered boosts that give energy and concentration without causing the crash that most sugar based boosts do.

Currently there are three boosts offered:

– Digestive health boost

– Focused energy boost

– Power greens boost

Each of these are based around natural super food ingredients such as Ginseng, Guarana, Lion's Mane, and Rhodiola. These provide a variety of additional benefits to what Shakeology already offers and allows that additional boost for when you need that extra “pick me up” on a really rough starting day.

Be Honest: How Does It Taste?

This is by far and away one of the ways that Shakeology really sticks out in comparison to other competitors. This blends extremely well with other ingredients and while there might still be some grittiness if you only spoon it in with water, even then the mixture is more pleasant than the average of what you expect from that particular protein powder mixture. The taste is among the best of all the options out there, and having different flavors will let you find the one that is right for you.

Final Verdict

Whether your main goal is fitness, feeling better, eating healthier, or losing weight, Shakeology actually comes through. They're not looking to make the cheapest product or something super niche, they are looking to produce the premium choice in healthy weight loss and meal replacement drinks and they pull that off admirably.



WebMD – Are Weight Loss Shakes Healthy?

Mayo Clinic

Other Shakes:

Shake 360

The post Shakeology Reviews – How Fast Until You'll See Results? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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