Tuesday 1 November 2016

Becoming a Beachbody Coach

Most people think about working for themselves at some point in the careers – I know I did, and one of the easiest ways to do this is by making money online. If this is something that you've ever thought about, then becoming a Beachbody coach is something that you should definitely consider.

I have been earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer for several years now, and I can tell you from experience that the Beachbody affiliate program is one of the best out there when it comes to their commission structure. There are plenty of reasons to become a Coach, but one of the things that I love about Beachbody from the affiliate marketing perspective, is that they provide an opportunity for earning recurring commissions. This means that when you sign someone up to become a Coach or sell them a Beachbody product, that person becomes your customer for life. So once they're associated with your Coaching profile, any future purchases they make with Beachbody are credited to your account and you earn a commission – pretty cool, right?  On top of that, if someone signs up for a subscription service, like Shakeology for example, you then earn a commission every month as long as they keep their subscription active. Most other affiliate products that I promote offer nice commissions, but your relationship with the customer usually ends with that single purchase. So even if they sign up for a subscription service, you only get a commission from the initial sale and that's it. This means you are at a huge advantage when promoting Beachbody products, and your earning potential truly is endless.

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With all of that being said, let's look at some of the reasons people want to earn money online or through affiliate marketing, and who might be a good candidate for becoming a Beachbody Coach and their multi-level marketing structure.

The idea of earning an online income is a fantastic idea, because it plays to the desire of most people to be their own boss, set their own hours, and the opportunity to earn a substantial income, while doing something they enjoy. Because of this, there is a huge number of different programs end products all designed to help a person be able to work from home and make money online.


Unfortunately, so many of those programs and products are complete and utterly useless. The sites make amazing promises, and tend to have testimonials from people who claim to have made millions of dollars throughout the years, but they never seem to actually work for people. What's more, many programs that might work end up not working either because the company does not give their employees and salespeople enough support, or they don't explain well enough exactly what's required in order to make money.


What Is Multi-Level Marketing?

In order to understand what becoming a Beachbody Coach means, you first need to understand what multi-level marketing is. The basic idea behind multi-level marketing is that you buy into a program, usually by purchasing the products that the program is selling, and then set up your own personal business selling the product. This is not quite the same as buying stock for a store that you run. In theory, you could sell the product or service that a multi-level marketing program offers without ever purchasing the product or service yourself save for the entry into the program. However, the idea is that you might enjoy using the products yourself, or you might use the products to demo them to other people who might buy from you.

The draw of a market multi-level marketing program, however, lies not in the product sell itself but in the ability to get other people to join in the program. Multi-level marketing programs are set up in such a way that when you convince other people to buy into the program, you get a bonus and a portion of the profits that those people bring in. So the idea is not just that you will end up selling the product or service, but that you will also be getting money the more people you get to sell the product or service as well. In that way, you can wind up making far more money then you can just by selling the product or service itself.

If this set up sounds familiar, that's because it is. It bears quite a bit of resemblance to the old Tupperware and Avon sales people, and also seems quite similar to the concept of a pyramid scheme. However, where a multi-level marketing program and a pyramid scheme differ is that the multi-level marketing program is, at least in theory, offering a product or service that is worth selling.

In that way, you don't have to actually convince other people to buy into the program in order to make money on your own. This is where the multi-level marketing program is a different situation than a pyramid scheme, and why a multi-level marketing program is legal. Your ability to make money is not dependent on your ability to get other people to buy it.

What Makes Team Beachbody Different?

So naturally the question is whether or not Team Beachbody, and becoming a Beachbody Coach, is actually something beneficial. Can it really help you make money? Well, as I've already stated above, I believe that it absolutely is beneficial, IF you're looking to earn an online income or work for yourself. It works particularly well if you're passionate about health and fitness. I signed up to be a Coach about a year ago, and I can tell you that I am VERY happy that I did. Often times multi-level marketing requires a large investment or purchase up front, which isn't exactly the case with Beachbody.


When signing up to become a Coach, you are required to buy product in order to become a Coach, but the investment is minimal. I think my initial purchase was for just over $100 (we'll take a closer look at the fees below), and that got me 4 or 5 workout DVDs, and a month's worth of Shakeology – something I was already looking to purchase. So you actually get something you'll use with your investment. Plus you also get great deals on the products at the time of sign up, so if you're already buying workout programs or nutritional shakes (as I was and still am), then why not give yourself the ability to make money from those purchases? Plus, you can cancel your Shakeology subscription at any time, so if you get tired of that, or don't want to be a coach any longer, they don't prevent you from canceling your subscriptions.

Where being a Beachbody Coach really differs from other programs is that they ensure a certain amount of support for their salespeople. They do this by enforcing a code of responsibilities on their Beachbody Coaches. Once you become a Beachbody Coach, it becomes your responsibility to help your downline. This includes being available for support when they need help, helping them to generate leads, and ensuring that they have the proper training to start their businesses.

Coaching Fees

With that in mind, let's take a closer look at how one becomes a Beachbody Coach and what's expected. When you want to sign up to become a Beachbody Coach, you must pay a starting fee of $39.95. This gets you a Beachbody Coach starter kit, which includes a welcome booklet that give you information on the steps to starting up your business, 3 personal websites to set up as sales sites for Beachbody products, and access to what they refer to as the Coach's Office, which gives you the ability to track your sales and do your business from a centralized location. All of your sales and marketing materials will be located here as well, so if you need links, pictures, banners, or anything else you might need to sell product will be located here.

Beachbody Challenge Pack

That $39.95 fee can be waived if you are willing to purchase a challenge pack. The Challenge Pack, usually runs about $295, contains 3 fitness programs, a 30-day free trial membership to the Team Beachbody Club, a business starter kit which is essentially the same as what you get for the $39.95, a number of physical products such as a Shakeology diet shakes sampler, tote bags, product catalog, and welcome booklets which detail out a number of tips and secrets for making the most out of your Beachbody products.

In addition, you can expect to pay a $15.95 monthly fee in order to maintain the services.


Why Become a Beachbody Coach?

The reasons for becoming a Beachbody Coach are fairly straightforward, and as you've read above their are numerous benefits to signing up. Two of the biggest being that you get a discount on all Beachbody products, PLUS you can earn a commission on every sale.

Their commissions can range anywhere from 15% to 50%, depending on a number of factors. The main factor is what you sell, and there's also the factor of how many sales are made by your downline (your downline being the people you've signed up to become a coach). If you choose to focus on selling Beachbody products, this could become a full time job! However, there's nothing wrong with signing up just to get a discount on Beachbody products, if you're frequently buy fitness or nutritional products anyway.


Whether you're buying Beachbody products for your own personal use, or to have them on hand for resale, a Beachbody coach receives a 25% discount. This is a rather large discount, and if all you want to do is use the products, then you can quite easily earn your money back just by doing so. The combination of Shakeology diet shakes and the various workout programs and energy boosting supplements that Beachbody offers will easily pay for themselves.

So whether you're looking at a new full time job, earning a bit of money on the side, or just want to get a great discount on fantastic health and fitness products, becoming a Beachbody Coach is a no brainier! It's a program that allows you to take part at a level you're comfortable with, and the more dedicated you are, the more money you can earn!

If you have any questions about becoming a Coach, please fill free to use my contact form, or use the comment form below!

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The post Becoming a Beachbody Coach appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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