Monday 31 October 2016

Shakeology Ingredients

The Complete List Shakeology Ingredients & Nutrition Facts

Before doing any research about nutritional shakes, you should know that Shakeology is well known for its different flavors, and is extremely highly rated for its healthy ingredients and nutrition facts. As you might suspect, each flavor has somewhat different ingredients. Due to this fact, it's not a good idea to look at the ingredient list of one flavor and presume the other flavors have the sam ones. That said, most flavors do have a lot of ingredients in common, so for the most part the core of each shake remains pretty much the same.

One of the most important things to know, and one of Shakeology's claims to fame is the massive amounts of nutrients and vitamins that are contained in each flavor. This is the core of what makes Shakeology so popular, and why people are so passionate about using it as a core component of their commitment to better health. When used alongside a health diet and fitness plan, Shakeoloyg has proven time and time again, that it can be a key component to better digestion, weight loss, and to helping folks have more energy. This is largely due to what's inside: Each shake is packed full a number of different superfoods. For example, wheat grass is contained in several of the flavors.

>>CLICK HERE for a 7 Day Trial of Shakeology!

How Many Calories?

You can expect to see between 150 and 200 calories in each flavor. While all the flavors are in that range, different flavors have slightly different calorie counts. In addition, you can plan on getting anywhere from 1 to 10 grams of carbs and sugars, 15 to 20 grams of protein, and around 5 grams of fiber. Since each flavor is slightly different, the best you can get is a range if all you're looking for is general information. That's why it's important to get more details, which you can find later in this review.

In addition to the nutrients, there are also several ingredients that help boost energy. These ingredients also tend to keep your appetite suppressed. Due to this, you can also treat Shakeology shakes as meal replacement shakes. However, if you choose to do that you might need more than one shake, depending on your calorie needs. After all, liquids do process through the body at a quicker pace than solids.

The Different Flavors

Since most of the flavors have a slightly different ingredient list, each flavor will also have slightly different nutritional facts.

We can start with the all new Cafe Latte as an example. The Cafe Latte contains precisely 150 calories. Of those, only 15 are from fat. The most prominent vitamins in the Cafe Latte flavor are Thiamine, Vitamin B12, and Manganese, each at 100% of your daily value (which are always based on a 2000 calorie a day diet). The next most prominent is Vitamin A, which is also at 100%, and Vitamin C which sits at a whopping 300%.

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

Next is Chocolate, which is their best selling flavor (and probably my personal favorite). It contains 160 calories. Slightly more of those calories are from fat, 20 as opposed to the 15 in Cafe Latte. The most notable vitamins in the Chocolate flavor are the exact same as Cafe Latte, with one exception. Chocolate contains a great deal of Vitamin B6, allowing it to meet 100% of your daily requirements.

The next best selling flavor, Vanilla, has the least number of calories out of any of the flavors. It contains a mere 130 calories. Even so, you'll still be getting 15 calories from fat. As for the vitamins and minerals, Vanilla and Chocolate actually are interchangeable. They contain the same ones, at the same amounts.

Strawberry is the next flavor on the list, and it is no different from the Vanilla flavor. So you can consider those two flavors completely interchangeable as well.

Greenberry on the other hand is nutritionally the same as Vanilla and Strawberry. However, it is worthwhile to take a moment to figure out what “greenberry” even is. The flavor is a blend of goji berry, bilberry, and green tea. There's also a touch of cherry, as well. This adds up to an interesting fruit flavor that is none the less subdued thanks to the green tea.

Vegan Options

Vegan Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate are the flavors where the nutritional facts begin to change notably. Due to the shakes being vegan, they simply don't have the same ingredient list. They can't, if they're going to be vegan. Not only that, but they have a few subtle differences between the two, even though they're overall quite similar. As an example, both flavors contain 170 calories. However, the Vegan Chocolate flavor has a higher calories from fat count, sitting at 35. The Vegan Tropical Strawberry contains a “mere” 30, which is still a big departure from the 15 and 20 calories from fat in the other flavors. Not only that, but the Vegan Chocolate has 4 grams worth of saturated fats. The Vegan Tropical Strawberry has fewer, but not by much. You can find 3.5 grams in that flavor.

Both the Vegan Chocolate and the Vegan Tropical Strawberry contain quite a bit of sodium, as well. Vegan Chocolate contains 300mg, while the Vegan Tropical Strawberry has 250mg. Still, this is only 13% and 10% of the daily nutritional requirements, respectively.


As anyone who knows about vegan food products would expect, both flavors have less Vitamin A and Vitamin C than the non-vegan flavors. They have 2% less Vitamin A, and a whopping 33% less Vitamin C. This is only natural. Without animal byproducts, some vitamins and minerals are simply more difficult to get into one's diet. Of course, anyone who eats a vegan diet no doubt has ways to get their needed vitamins.

Are There Downsides?

Plain and simple, there are no perfect products. If you're holding out for such a product, you might as well resign yourself to waiting for the rest of your life. That being said, when it comes to nutritional shakes, Shakeology is as close as it gets to perfection! They offer a huge variety, and a lot of nutrition, which is great news when you're on the lookout for healthy ingredients. With that said, it does come at a cost. A months' supply of shakes will cost you $129.99 (there are ways to reduce that – becoming a BeachBody Coach for example). There are other payment options, such as a 7 day trial for $34.99, but even those are costly. In point of fact, if you try to get a months' worth of those, you'll be paying $10 more than if you just buy a months' worth. So if you're hoping to find an inexpensive diet shake, Shakeology may not be for you. Even though the cost might hold some people back, ultimately you have to decide how much you value your health. If you're committed to living a healthier life, then Shakeology is probably worth the cost – I know it was for me!

Why Do People Try Shakeology?

There isn't a single person out there who wouldn't love to lose a few pounds. While obesity has become a growing problem in the United States, even people who are generally within a healthy weight range tend to have poor diets. This means it's always worthwhile to find a way to eat more nutritiously.

Unfortunately, any need creates a market, and any market creates scam products. It's an unfortunate truth that many companies would rather make a quick dollar than sell a dependable product. And it doesn't take long before people use a few of these scam products and quite fairly decide nothing works. After all, they tried several products, and none of them worked! That's plenty of proof!


Given how many scam products are out on the market, many people understandably have a hard time trusting new diet options. On the plus side, knowing what ingredients the product has can go a long way to figuring out whether or not the product is actually worth the cost. What is a diet product if not the sum of its ingredients? So it's an incredibly good idea to ensure you take some time to study the ingredients of any diet product you consider buying.

A Brief Overview of Shakeology

If you aren't familiar with Shakeology, then I recommend reading our comprehensive review. If you don't have the time though, here's a quick rundown. Shakeology is the nutritional supplement shake offered by BeachBody. BeachBody has a proven track record of amazing diet and weight loss products. They're the brains behind the P90X workout, which is widely considered to be one of the best workout programs on the market. This gives them a proven track record with health and fitness.

Shakeology, as the name suggests, is a diet shake. This means it's not a program, and not intended to be a program. If you're looking for detailed, day to day instructions on how to eat right or approach a workout, you're liable to be disappointed. It's going to be up to you to figure out how to use Shakeology shakes in your diet. The best way to do this is to get a good handle on the ingredients of each shake. Luckily, that information is easily available. Just keep reading!


Still, while cheaper diet shakes do exist, you're unlikely to find any that offer as much benefit as Shakeology does. Shakeology has been scientifically tested for health and weight loss on multiple occasions. Every time, science has proven that they fulfill the promises the company makes.

Does it Work?

After everything, there's only one last question to answer: Will Shakeology work for you? That question provides the context that would make $129.99 feel like a reasonable amount to pay. After all, if it works, then it was worth the money.

Naturally, the answer is that yes, it does work. As long as you're using Shakeology shakes as directed, they can help you lose weight. Of course, the important thing is using them as directed. There is no wishing star for weight loss. There's no magic bullet. Shakeology shakes are a tool, and you have to use them as such. Only then can they work. But as long as you're willing to put in the effort and use them appropriately, then you'll watch the pounds melt off.

>>CLICK HERE for a 7 Day Trial of Shakeology!


The post Shakeology Ingredients appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Friday 28 October 2016

Shakeology Price

How Much Does Shakeology Cost?

Shakeology is one of the most popular nutritional shakes on the market today, and for good reason – it's packed full essential vitamins and minerals, it tastes great, and it can help you lose weight when used alongside a well-balanced diet and exercise program. With all of that being said, how much does it cost, and it is worth the price?

What Is Shakeology?

Team BeachBody, the minds behind the P90X Workout, have created a great meal replacement shake that's sure to help you lose weight and get fit. Since they've already created many high quality programs like the P90X workout, 21 Day Fix, and many more, you can trust that their meal replacement shake is worth trying, and better yet it tastes delicious!


And that's exactly what Shakeology is, a meal replacement shake. If you've become used to drinking a variety of different weight loss shakes over the years, it's definitely possible that they've left a bad taste in your mouth – literally! I know I have tried my fair share of shakes and drink over the years, and I know personally that many of them taste terrible. They either leave a super chalky taste in your mouth, or they don't taste as advertised. Well, that's not the the case with Shakeology – it truly does taste great, has a fantastic texture, and will help you lose weight when used correctly. While it may seem expensive at first, Team BeachBody offers some fantastic pricing options that can make things a little easier on your wallet.

>>CLICK HERE for the BEST DEAL on Shakeology!

(7 Day Sampler Currently Being Offered)

The Price Of Shakeology

Shakeology typically costs $129.99 per month, with their auto-delivery plan. While that's technically true, it leaves out a lot of nuance as to how you can pay and what exactly you're getting for that price. There are certainly other options when signing up, so take a close look at the sign up page – there is a 7 day trial, for example, that costs much less than $130.

For $129.99, you have two basic options: One is that you get a container of Shakeology shake mix containing 30 servings. The other is that you can get 24 individual packets of mix. While it might seem odd that 30 days or 24 days worth of shakes would be the same price, it makes sense when you consider the benefits. One such benefit is that packets are generally easier to carry with you when you have to travel. In addition, you won't have to worry about accidentally using too much mix when you make a shake. However, the main benefit is the variety of flavors.

Shakeology nutritional shakes are well known for having some amazing flavors. Naturally, they have the basic chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors you would expect out of nutritional shakes. But in addition to that, they also have chocolate and strawberry vegan flavors, as well as flavors such as greenberry (a flavoring based on green tea), and cafe au late.

As such, the benefit of getting 24 packets of mix as opposed to one container of 30 servings is that with packets, you can choose to get different flavors all at once. And in point of fact, they offer several such combination sales! Right now, combo boxes such as chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and greenberry, and chocolate and vanilla and strawberry are available, as well as several more.


Personally, I go with the Chocolate/Strawberry/Vanilla combo-pack every month. It provides a nice variety of flavors, and I think all three taste great!

What if You Just Want to Try it Out?

Even with all the flavors available, many people still balk at the $129.99 price tag. This is understandable, as it is quite a bit of money. However, you don't have to pay that much just to try the product. Team BeachBody now offers a 7 day trial pack.

For $34.99, you can get one packet of each flavor Team BeachBody offers. This is a much more manageable price for someone who's interested, but not quite sure they want to commit. It also gives you an opportunity to taste each flavor and decide which ones you like the most.

Beachbody Coach Discount

And of course, if you do want to commit to a months' supply of Shakeology shakes, but are still concerned about the price, you could always become a BeachBody coach. By becoming a coachyou get a discount on Shakeology shakes, so if you're super passionated about fitness and nutrition, you might want to consider becoming coach, and helping others reach their weight loss and fitness dreams – plus there are a lot of other perks too!

So is Shakeology Worth it?

At the end of the day, there isn't another nutritional shake on the market that can do as much for you as Shakeology. The shakes are made by a team with a proven track record, and there are even options depending on how you'd like to purchase. While the $129 per month price tag could certainly be considered expensive, you ultimately have to decide how much you value your health – can you really put a price tag on it? For me, I decided to sign up after thinking about it like this: If I'm replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, I'm probably going to end up SAVING money over the longterm. At that price a Shakeology shake costs you about $4.33 per day, which is pretty much the cost a latte these days, so I don't really view it as an extravagance when it's something that provides so many health benefits.

Final Thoughts


With all of this being said, you might not even know that much about Shakeology, so be sure to check out our full review page for a much more detailed write up about it. For now, just know that I've been drinking Shakeology for almost a year now, and so has my family. Recently I have been using it alongside intermittent fasting, but that is a whole other topic, and deserves a much more detailed write-up, so keep an eye out for that!

Personally, I am happy to recommend Shakeology if you have been looking for nutritional shake that tastes great, has a variety of flavors, and most importantly – can help you lose weight! I really can't say enough good things about Shakeology, so if you have been looking for a new shake to try, I would definitely recommend this one – and if you're on the fence go with their 7 Day Sampler to get a fill for the program.

>>CLICK HERE for the BEST DEAL on Shakeology!

(7 Day Sampler Currently Being Offered)

Shakeology Ingredients




The post Shakeology Price appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

VIDEO: How Does Nutrisystem Food Look and Taste?

Hey guys! Just wanted to post a quick update pointing you to some videos we just posted. If you have been thinking about trying Nutrisystem, one of the first questions you may ask yourself is “Does the food taste good?” Personally I find that the Nutrisystem food tastes quite good – obviously you're not signing up and expecting to get Ruth's Chris meals delivered to your door, but as far as pre-packaged and microwavable meals go, I think Nutrisystem food is about as good as it gets.

That said, we wanted to take a few videos so you can see for yourself. I just posted videos showing you what breakfast, lunch and dinner are going to look like. Of course there are a lot more foods than these three to choose from, I just wanted to give you a quick look at what a typical dish might like for each meal of the day.

As I mention in the videos, it really isn't the taste of the food that will be an issue for you – the biggest adjustment will be the portion sizes, but your body will adjust – I know mine did anyway. If you become accustomed to eating large meals, the portion-controlled servings Nutrisystem provides will be an adjustment for you – BUT YOU CAN DO IT!

In any case, on to the videos:




The post VIDEO: How Does Nutrisystem Food Look and Taste? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

The 3 Day Diet Reviewed

The 3-Day Diet Review – Is it a Safe Way to Lose Weight?

Losing weight can be one of the hardest tasks for many people because it means sacrificing some type of food and controlling the amount of food you actually eat. Many people fail to make it to the end of the weight loss program because they quickly lose motivation and defer back to their bad habits. That is why the 3 Day Diet has become so popular, is because it lasts only 3 days! Now, before we dive into to whether or not this is an effective or healthy way to lose weight, let's take a deeper look at dieting itself, and why people are so quick to jump ship:

At times, some people will give up because they did not see results as quickly as might have they expected. There are also many other factors that can cause a person to stop dieting.

It is important to know more about whatever weight loss program you might choose before actually trying it – for that reason we really recommend that you research the programs as much as possible before diving in. That is why we try to provide honest, detailed reviews of diets that we have tried, or ones that are extremely popular and have a long track record of proven success.


Dieting is a popular way to shed extra pounds and has been around for many years. Many diets have come and go. Diets work on the principle of less calorie intake. When a person eats fewer calories, there will be a caloric deficit and this forces the body to use fat for energy. With the right diet plan, a person can expect to lose a considerable amount of weight. One mistake that many people make is trying to modify the diet. This is never a good idea, and it can be the line between failing to lose weight and losing weight. One of the most common diets is the 3-day diet.

History of the 3-Day Diet

The 3-day diet is a diet is a popular diet that dates back to 1985. You can reportedly expect super-fast weight loss, lowered cholesterol, and a full body cleansing using this diet. The diet goes by different names including the Fax diet, Navy diet, Army diet, Cleveland Clinic Diet, and many others. There are many medical institutions that have claimed to create a version of the diet, no specific one has come forward to claim responsibility or even recommend this diet.

3 Day Refresh from Beachbody

While all of these are great, we recommend the Beachbody 3 Day Refresh System, as it is geared to get you body and weight back on track, but it is also is designed to teach you new healthy eating habits, so you can continue making the right decisions and losing weight. On top of that, it also utilizes one of our favorite nutritional shakes – Shakeology – so you can feel confident that there are plenty of healthy and highly rated foods as part of the program.

>>CLICK HERE to Learn More about 3 Day Refresh

The Original Diet Plan

The 3-day diet is a very low calorie diet. You are then required to stick with the plan for three days. Under the traditional diet, you would then resume your normal eating habits for four to five days before repeating the cycle. The diet often promises weight loss of up to 10 pounds in just three days. This is to prevent the body's metabolic rate from slowing down and maintain the right metabolic reaction as a result of the diet.

In order to be effective, the diet needs to be followed accurately. You must follow the guidelines when measuring your portions. If you overeat, then the 3-day diet will not deliver the results you were supposed to get. Under the old diet plan, there wasn't really a plan for exercise. Again, if you follow something like the 3 Day Refresh system, you're obviously going to changing the way you eat of the three days, but because it's from a company like Beachbody, then you know that exercise will also be apart of anything they promote. Plus, if you get the right amount of exercise you will probably be able to accelerate your results, so that is also something to keep in mind and consider.


With all of this in mind, let's take a quick look at what it might look like if you try the traditional version of the diet plan. First, it is very important to follow the diet exactly the way it is designed. This is because the food they suggest will all work together to provide you more energy, boost your metabolism, help with sugar swings, and jump-start the process of burning fat – which is probably why you're trying the diet in the first place!


Make sure to weigh yourself on the morning of the first day, and then wait until the morning of the fourth day before jumping on the scale again. You may also want to take measurements too. In any case, this will give you the best idea of the results you achieved over the course of the 3 days, and whether or not you want to try it again, or if you want to move on to something else.

Here are just a few of other factors to keep in mind before diving in: Remember there is no snacking between meals; you only eat the food you are required to during the mealtime. Under this plan you are trying to rewire your metabolism, and snacking will undo all the progress you would have made.


Day 1

One the first day, you will be taking a total of 870 calories. Breakfast will be 219 calories, lunch 183 calories, and dinner 468 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • Half grapefruit or half cup grapefruit juice – contains 41 calories

  • A slice of toast with 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter – contains 178 calories



  • Half a cup of Tune – contains 100 calories

  • A slice of toast – contains 83 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories


  • 3 ounces of any lean meat – contains 94 calories

  • A cup of green beans – contains 34 calories

  • A cup of carrots – contains 52 calories

  • A cup of ice cream (vanilla) – contains 288 calories

  • A medium apple

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

Day 2

On the second day, you are required to take in around 1149 calories. Breakfast will be about 266 calories, lunch will be around 273 calories, and dinner will be about 610 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • An egg (any preparation method you want) – contains 78 calories

  • A slice toast – contains 83 calories

  • A banana – contains 105 calories


  • A cup of 2 percent cottage cheese – contains 203 calories

  • Saltine crackers – contains 70 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories


  • Two hot dogs or beef franks – contains 300 calories

  • Half cup carrots – contains 26 calories

  • A banana – contains 105 calories

  • One cup cabbage or brocoli – contains 35 calories

  • Half a cup of ice cream (vanilla) – contains 144 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

Day 3

You are required to take a total of 859 calories on the third day. Breakfast will be 222 calories, lunch will be 161 calories, and dinner will be 476 calories.


  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories

  • 5 regular saltine crackers – contains 70 calories

  • One ounce of cheddar cheese – contains 100 calories

  • A small apple – contains 52 calories


  • One hard-boiled egg – contains 78 calories

  • A slice toast – contains 83 calories

  • Black coffee or tea or water – contains 0 calories



  • A cup of Tuna – contain 200 calories

  • A cup of carrots – contains 52 calories

  • A cup of cauliflower – contains 23 calories

  • A cup of melon –contains 57 calories

  • Half a cup of regular ice cream (vanilla) – contains 144 calories

One good thing about the 3-day diet is the flexibility. If you don't have certain foods, you can substitute them with other foods with the same number of calories. Remember you can substitute a protein for a protein or a vegetable for a vegetable. Some of the diet additions allowed include lemon, mustard, gum/mints (provided they are sugar-free), cooking spray, Splenda, lemon pepper seasoning, a dash of salt and pepper.

One question that many people ask is whether they can exercise in this diet. The answer is yes. The duration and type of exercise you choose will depend on how lean you are and your current activity level.

If you are overweight, then it can be a good idea to take a brisk walk around the block. You will start to gain muscles, and the more you gain the more you can exercise. You will start looking leaner and more tones. Your general health will improve. Some great exercise you can do when on this diet include walking, jogging, jumping rope, swimming, and using the treadmill. Make sure you discuss with your doctor before you begin any exercise program especially when you have a medical condition.

One problem that people may have after losing weight on this diet is keeping it off. It is important to drink a lot of water and take dietary supplements after you finish the diet. Make sure you increase your activity level and eat healthier types of food.

Dieting is not as hard as it may seem. Following the diet guidelines is the first step in losing weight and getting the body you have always wanted.

It is always important to remember that dieting is not a long term thing, you will have to adopt a healthier lifestyle to maintain your new weight or even reduce more, which is exactly why we recommend the 3 Day Refresh from Beachbody. They set you up for life after the cleanse, so you can continue to healthy and have a plan to follow beyond the 3 Days. Check out their official site below:

>>CLICK HERE to Learn More About the 3 Day Refresh System

You should ALWAYS consult with your doctor before trying a diet or exercise plan to make sure you are healthy enough!

The post The 3 Day Diet Reviewed appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Monday 24 October 2016

Blue Apron Reviews

Our Blue Apron Reviews for 2016

Blue Apron has become extremely popular over the last couple of years, so we decided it was time to give the program an honest, thorough review. I signed up a little over two weeks ago, and our first shipment of food arrived at my doorstep this past Friday. Below I'll detail how our first meal on the program went, and then we'll discuss all of the ins and outs of Blue Apron – How much does it cost? What plans are there to choose from? Do they accommodate vegetarians? Pretty much any question that we can think is going to covered, so keep reading to find out whether or not my family is happy with Blue Apron so far, and then you can decide if it is the right meal delivery program for you!

We Cook Our First Blue Apron Meal:

Our First Blue Apron Meal – Was it Good?

As I mentioned above, I came home the other afternoon to find a large box sitting at my front door, and I could tell it was our Blue Apron shipment because there was blue food clipart covering the box – needless to say, I was pretty excited! I had signed up for the meal delivery service after receiving a discount offer in our mailbox awhile back. My wife and I had been thinking about giving it a try for some time now – we recently had our second child, and as our family life becomes busier and more hectic, we are finding it harder and harder to fit in trips to the grocery store – on top of that, neither of us is a huge fan of grocery shopping, so it seems like we're always coming up with excuses not to go.


Blue Apron seemed like a good solution to this, as they send you EVERYTHING you need to prepare high quality, healthy meals. Plus, I really like the idea of trying new food every week, and sort of being forced to get out of my comfort zone a bit when it comes to cooking. I feel like I have about three meals in my repertoire lately – tacos, fish tacos, and this mandarin chicken salad recipe that we make all of the time. With Blue Apron we will be preparing a lot of meals that we wouldn't normally think of, and we don't have to scour the grocery store looking for all of the ingredients – it's a win-win, really.

Signing Up

Signing up for our first shipment of food was really easy. Everything is done online at, and they make the registration process a breeze. My wife isn't a huge fan of red meat or pork, and they accommodate for this. I found this to be really nice component of the program – you can pretty much customize the type of meals that you want, even if you're vegetarian. We went with the seafood and veggie based meal option, although I think I will probably go back and add some poultry to the mix as well. That said, if you're a big meat eater, they definitely have menu options that should satisfy you. Just a quick glance, and they seemed to have all of the major meats covered – beef, pork, poultry, and of course they have fish and other seafoods as well.

The other part that I enjoyed about their online interface, was that it shows you the exact meals that will be coming your way during your first order, and then what they have planned for the month ahead as well. If there's a meal that you really don't want to eat, you can unselect it and they have other options to choose from – which might be welcome news for the picky eaters out there.

The Plan We Went With

For our initial order I opted to go with three meals for two people per week (they have larger plans, and I'll go into more detail about those below). This means my wife and I are covered, and then I thought we'd have a enough food that our 5 year old daughter could also give it a try.


If she really seems to be enjoying it, then we'll probably then we may increase our subscription, although the options are meals for a family of two, and then after that you have to order for for a family of 4. For us that will probably be too much food for the time being, as our other daughter is an infant so I'm guessing we'll stick with the plan we're on for the foreseeable future, but you never know. If we decide to increase things, I'll update this post!

Our First Blue Apron Delivery & Meal

The first three meals that were delivered were as follows:

  • Crispy Catfish & with Yellow Curry & Bird's Eye Chile Sauce

  • Mushroom & Fennel Fettuccine 

  • Carmalized Onion & Kale Quiches 

I was most excited for the Crispy Catfish, so that was the first meal we decided to prepare, and the one we'll be reviewing. With that being said, let's take a look at how meal prep went, and then most importantly, was it any good?

EVERYTHING is Included

I already mentioned that all of the ingredients that you need for each meal are included, but they REALLY are – right down to the coconut flour you will need to bread the catfish. The core ingredients like kale, and fish are in their own bags or packaging and are easy to spot when you're taking everything out of the box. The other things that you will need like flour, sugar, ginger and more are included in what Blue Apron calls their “knick knacks” bag. For each meal there is a small brown knick knack bag that includes all of the other key ingredients  that you will need. I sorted everything before diving in to meal prep, so I knew what all I would be dealing with.

Step-by-Step Meal Prep Instructions

Once you're ready to start cooking, you'll be pleasantly surprised by how easy they make things for you, at least I was! I don't have a ton of experience cooking gourmet meals, so it was nice to have everything laid out step-by-step, and accompanied by pictures. Without going overboard on the details, there are things like chopping (the kale, in this case), mincing, etc., involved, so there will be some work on your part. Personally, I find this fun, and it gives you a chance to play chef for an hour while you're preparing the meal for your family.


For the fried catfish meal I had top chop kale, mince ginger, peel a lime and mince the peel, bread the catfish, whip up some coconut milk for the yellow curry. It was all fun, and I even felt like I was learning about cooking during the process.

After that, I prepared the jasmine rice, and breaded and fried the catfish. Once that was finished the fish was put on a warm plate on a low setting in the oven to keep it warm, and then I started in on the curry and kale sauce, which took 7 or 8 minute total to cook.

In all, I would say it probably took me about an hour to prepare the meal from start to finish. I think it will probably go a little quicker as I get more comfortable with the meal prep, and making my way through the instructions. All in all, it was a very smooth process, and I really did enjoying preparing the meal.

How Did it Taste?

Wow, I know it's going to sound like I'm over-exaggerating here, but the Crispy Catfish with yellow curry, really was one of the BEST meals I have ever prepared. The curry tasted absolutely incredible, and my wife – who isn't normally a huge curry fan – felt the same way. We were both surprised, and blown away by how good the meal really was. I was expecting the food to be above average, but this particular meal absolutely exceed expectations.


On top of that, I would be lying if I didn't feel an extra amount of satisfaction knowing that I had cooked and prepared this amazing meal from start to finish. It really was the best meal I have ever personally cooked, and I feel comfortable saying almost anyone would find this meal appealing. The catfish had a very mild flavor, and paired amazingly well with the curry and kale  sauce that covered the rice.

So, my final verdict would definitely be 5 out of 5 stars. I feel confident saying that this would have easily been a $30 or $40/per plate meal, and when you take advantage of Blue Apron's promotional offer, you get your first week of three meals for two for $28 for the week! AND we still have two more meals to make this week.

I'll detail the full price structure below, but if you're thinking about trying Blue Apron, you can get your first week of meals for an incredible deal. After that the price does increase, but it still seems to be fairly priced. As of now, I plan to continue on with our subscription for the foreseeable future. It really does make things so much easier, and I like knowing that we will be preparing 3 great meals every week, without any of the hassle of going to the grocery store.


I'll update you if things change, but this is the plan for now! I really can't think of many negatives with Blue Apron yet, but if I do, I'll be sure to add them to this post. I will say that the amount of food you get is perfect for 1 meal per person, but we really didn't have any leftovers. This isn't necessarily a bad thing though, as leftovers usually go to waste in our fridge. Of course, if you're worried about producing too much waste, etc., that's something to consider too as you'll be getting food delivered in a large box each week, and there's a fair amount of packaging involved. That said, they do have recommendations for how to recycle everything on their website, so if this is a concern for you, be sure to check that out.

Beyond that though, the food is fantastic, the ingredients are fresh, and it will save you trips to the grocery stores, which are all HUGE positives for me.

What's Inside Your First Shipment?

How Much Does Blue Apron Cost?

2-Person Plan

  • Recipes per Week: 3 (Serves 2)

  • Price Per Serving: $9.99

  • Weekly total: $59.94 (First week is about half that with our discount code!)

  • FREE Shipping & Cancel Any Time

  • You Can Pause Your Service at Any Time (Like Thanksgiving, for example)

Family Plan (2 Recipes per Week)

  • 2 Meals, Serves 4

  • Price Per Serving: $8.74

  • Weekly Total: $69.92 (First week is about half that with our discount code!)

  • FREE Shipping & Cancel Any Time

  • You Can Pause Your Service at Any Time

Family Plan (4 Recipes per Week)

  • 4 Meals, Serves 4

  • Price Per Serving: $8.74

  • Weekly Total: $139.84

  • FREE Shipping & Cancel Any Time

  • You Can Pause Your Service at Any Time

Blue Apron Menu

They provide a full rundown of the meals you have to pick from each month on their website, so if you want to get a nice idea of the variety of foods they offer, I encourage you to check out their menu page. For most people, there will plenty of delicious meals to choose from, and I'm already looking forward to my next shipment of meals. There are some pretty amazing meals coming up for us this month: Cod Sandwiches, Crispy Chicken, and Seared Salmon are just a few that I'm looking forward to!


Final Thoughts

For anyone looking for an incredibly easy to way to make restaurant-quality meals at home, I would highly recommend Blue Apron. The meals are fantastic, the instruction are clear and easy to understand, and it saves you at least one trip to the grocery store every week! I plan to continue on with their 3 meal per week plan for the foreseeable future. I really can't see wanting to stop, but we'll see how long I enjoy playing chef three times per week – if most of them meals are as good as the first one I prepared, I'm guessing I will continue to enjoy it!


Forbes – The Best Meal Delivery Kits

The post Blue Apron Reviews appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Friday 21 October 2016

Shakeology Reviews – How Fast Until You'll See Results?

Shakeology by Beachbody: Healthy Supplements Done Right

There are many different products and programs out there that focus on providing a way to live healthier or lose weight, or even do both. Some of the best reviewed drink supplements out there not only act as meal replacements but are also designed to be healthy to an extent that they can be used for increasing your workout results, losing weight, or even as part of a program for bulking up. Shakeology from Beachbody is one of those drinks. I can tell you from experience that it is absolutely one of the best nutrition shakes on the market today. This is for a variety of reasons, but here are three of the biggest reasons I think it's a GREAT shake:

  1. It Tastes GREAT! It truly does taste awesome, which has been a welcome quality when compared to the gritty, nasty taking workout shakes I've used in the past.

  2. It's Super HEALTHY! Just take a look at the nutrition label, and you'll see that Shakeology is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and other great ingredients.

  3. It Produces RESULTS! In the six months or so since starting Shakeology I've lost about 10 pounds, and I'm still working on losing more. Now that may not sound like a ton of weight, but I only have about 10 or 15 pounds that I was hoping to drop when I started the shake, so for me that's been an ideal number. Now, I would think someone could definitely could lose more weight than that, if that was their goal


With all of that being said, let's take a closer look at what this drink is really all about, and why it has received one our highest endorsements.

What Is Shakeology?

Shakeology is affiliated with the Beachbody workout programs, but it is fully functional in and of itself as a great supplemental drink that can do wonders when it comes to revitalizing your health and helping with weight loss. Unless you are specifically looking to bulk up, Shakeology works most often as a meal replacement, although some people have chosen to use it as an after workout treat and seen strong success with using it in that role, as well.

This drink mix is a major part of the Beachbody program and being able to eat healthier. There is a heavy emphasis on nutrition and having the right natural ingredients to promote health in all its ways. Providing a full range of antioxidants is just as important as providing a wide range of vitamins and minerals (especially those that most people too often don't get nearly enough of), positive dietary fiber, and ingredients that have a reputation for improving organ health, immune functions, and every other part of the body.

This is a nutritional approach that tackles every part of what the body needs to provide the best possible overall effect on the body. By making every part of the system healthier and allowing your body to work a little bit more smoothly, the overall end results will be better from losing excess weight to having more energy and feeling better.

How Does it Work?

Shakeology is used like protein powder or any meal replacement shake. A mixture is added with ingredients like milk, water, ice, and maybe even some of your favorite fruits and blended into a delicious shake that then provides all the nutrients you need as your own version of a “super food” shake. There are seven different flavors that are currently sold under the Beachbody Shakeology brand, not counting the current “Boosts” that are also available.

Whether you use it as a replacement for breakfast (most common), a different meal, or as an after workout treat (or both) you will almost certainly see strong results very quickly from adding Shakeology to your daily routine.

What Are The Ingredients?

The mainstay of Shakeology is the fact that their based ingredients in the powder is their “proprietary protein blend.” Instead of focusing on just one or two sources for their protein, they have their blend from five different sources including:

– Chia

– Flax

– Pea

– Whey

– Quinoa

These protein sources are all extremely well thought of and create a unique blend that only comes from Shakeology mixes. In addition to this, there are multiple blends brought in of “super greens,” “fruit based antioxidants,” “probiotic & digestive health blends,” and more. These blends bring in the benefits of every type of superfood you've heard about recently from the ability to aid digestion to getting rid of antioxidants throughout the body, to cleansing the body of the bad while making it receptive to more vitamins and minerals, this particular mix literally has it all.


The full list of ingredients found in each blend can be found easily online, in addition to the daily health percentages that come with all the vitamins and minerals that are available.

How Is It Healthy?

The key to Shakeology being healthy is those list of ingredients. High protein diets are in for a reason, and having the ability to replace a meal with a shake, get all that healthy protein, antioxidants, digestive aids, vitamins and minerals without any of the negatives that sometimes come with certain types of food is invaluable.

Everyone understands the benefit of things like super greens, probiotics, and antioxidants. However even beyond this, the vitamin and mineral percentages that come with this mix are off the charts impressive.

Just a short sample includes:

– 100% daily Vitamin B12

– 100% daily Manganese

– 100% daily Thiamine

– 100% daily Vitamin B6

– 300% daily Vitamin C

– 76% daily Riboflavin

– 100% daily Vitamin A

Why Is This Drink Great For Weight Loss?

First, because this drink is protein heavy and loaded with vitamins, it is going to make you feel full. That's extremely important with any weight loss plan because if it feels like you're on a diet, eventually you are going to quit. On top of this, you get more than a day's worth of protein to jump start the fat burning, plenty of vitamins for energy, and at far less calories than what it would take in food in order to take care of those same daily nutritional needs.

Many meal replacement drinks don't give enough protein or enough energy to really get you going and keep you moving throughout an entire day, but Shakeology actually takes care of this quite well even for those individuals who are extremely active.

How Much Does it Cost?

As of this article the cost is about $129.95 for a 30 day supply. Sometimes this can be found for a little bit less because of a sale, but it is a touch on the pricey side compared with many other shakes but the truth is that Shakeology is clearly a step above the competition in a variety of ways, and you aren't paying for extra marketing in this case you actually are paying for results.

How does Shakeology stand up to others via comparison? For one, the protein blend is really unique because it involves so many different protein sources. Adding in the deep greens, the probiotics to fix digestion (most people have some digestion issues and don't even know it), and the myriad of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals creates a combination that no one else is matching.

Add in the fact these are coming from real ingredients and not purely synthetic or chemically created powders makes them even better as an option. Why go for a cheap knock off when you can get the absolute premium protein shake and/or meal replacement powder. The fact this can be attached to nearly any diet or exercise program and deliver positive results makes it stand out even more.


When you place an order, you'll receive a really cool recipe guide, so you can try a bunch of different shakes.

So while the cost is a little bit much compared to the average protein powder, it's important to note that this is not your average protein powder. It is definitely the premium choice in the field and that's why it's priced accordingly. When you realize it only comes out to a little over $4 a day, it goes to show how reasonable it can actually be.


There are many different flavors available through Shakeology, which allows for a surprising number of choices no matter what your tastes are. In addition to the basic seven flavors that are currently available, there is a very active Beachbody community that continues to share their favorite mixes, shakes, meal replacements, and more. In other words, there is no shortage of Shakeology inspired shake recipes out there. You can find one that works for you and brings you a flavor you will really enjoy.

While more flavors will be released in the future, as of now current Shakeology flavors include:

– Vanilla

– Chocolate

– Strawberry

– Cafe Latte

– Chocolate Vegan

– Tropical Strawberry Vegan

– Greenberry

Shakeology “Boosts”

While not officially part of the Shakeology lineup, there are focused energy boosts that are designed to be mixed in with your normal Shakeology mixes. These boosts are aimed at specific naturally delivered boosts that give energy and concentration without causing the crash that most sugar based boosts do.

Currently there are three boosts offered:

– Digestive health boost

– Focused energy boost

– Power greens boost

Each of these are based around natural super food ingredients such as Ginseng, Guarana, Lion's Mane, and Rhodiola. These provide a variety of additional benefits to what Shakeology already offers and allows that additional boost for when you need that extra “pick me up” on a really rough starting day.

Be Honest: How Does It Taste?

This is by far and away one of the ways that Shakeology really sticks out in comparison to other competitors. This blends extremely well with other ingredients and while there might still be some grittiness if you only spoon it in with water, even then the mixture is more pleasant than the average of what you expect from that particular protein powder mixture. The taste is among the best of all the options out there, and having different flavors will let you find the one that is right for you.

Final Verdict

Whether your main goal is fitness, feeling better, eating healthier, or losing weight, Shakeology actually comes through. They're not looking to make the cheapest product or something super niche, they are looking to produce the premium choice in healthy weight loss and meal replacement drinks and they pull that off admirably.



WebMD – Are Weight Loss Shakes Healthy?

Mayo Clinic

Other Shakes:

Shake 360

The post Shakeology Reviews – How Fast Until You'll See Results? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Thursday 20 October 2016

The HMR Diet – Is it Effective for Weight Loss?

HMR Diet Reviews

When you want to be sure that you are able to get the most out of your health and fitness, it is critically important that look into some models that will be useful to you. There are a number of diet and nutrition programs in place which will allow you to get the most out of your health in a way that allows you to slim down, cut fat and lose more weight than ever. By doing this, you will have the opportunity to meet your weight loss goals to the best of your ability. By factoring in these tips below, you will have a greater understanding of the HMR Diet, how it can help you and how you can begin taking advantage of it.

In that regard, do your research, check with your physician and begin applying these principles in a way that lets you capitalize on your goals.


What is the HMR Diet?

In summary, the HMR Diet is a plan that will allow you to meet your weight loss goals with some strategic meal replacement options. In most cases, these meal replacement options consist of swapping out less healthy foods with some fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables. This plan also involves increasing your physical activity in order to speed up your heart rate, raise your metabolism and allow you to burn calories in a safe and healthy manner. There are a number of details associated with this diet which will allow you to meet even your toughest weight loss targets.

What are the Benefits?

Before jumping out and taking advantage of this diet plan, you need to learn exactly how it will benefit you. First and foremost, schedule an appointment with your physician and take a copy of the diet plan, in order to receive a physical and make sure that you are fit and healthy enough to handle this plan. By getting an appointment with your doctor to discuss this plan, you will be able to learn first of all, whether this diet plan is advantageous to you on a personal level. Some people may have certain dietary needs or restrictions which may limit their ability to use certain diets. It is best to get the OK from your doctor before engaging in any sort of stark change in your diet.

Once you have gotten the thumbs up from your doctor to proceed with the HMR Diet, you will be able to go through the advantages of this plan in order to understand exactly how and why it will be tremendously helpful to you. One of the main benefits of this diet is that it is a holistic way of losing weight and is conducive to setting up healthy lifestyle habits over the long term. The fatal flaw of many diet plans is that they are often just bandaid solutions, as opposed to longterm, holistic changes. With the HMR Diet, you will receive a plan that will help you get more active, explore foods that energize you as opposed to draining your energy, and you get personal coaching and education that will make it easier for you to handle these changes.


Another great benefit is that this plan can be handled by just about anyone, regardless of their fitness and health background. For instance, the program gets people started with easy physical activities, such as walking around your neighborhood for 15 to 20 minute intervals. It also will educate you on some of the healthiest foods that you can add to your diet, showing you what they will do for you and why they should be eaten. Further, it comes equipped with thoroughly researched diet plans which will help you to avoid overwhelm and decision fatigue, which is one of the leading contributing factors to making rash food decisions and making unhealthy snack choices between meals. By having these details laid out in front of you, you will have the opportunity to make wise and intelligent decisions, which are researched and clinically proven to provide results.

How Long has it Been Around?

This diet has been around and proven for a whopping 30 years! With three decades of experience, it is clear that you will be able to receive results when you take advantage of it. A major reason that this diet has stood the test of time and outlasted many fad diets is that it was crafted and put in place by licensed doctors and nutrition scientists. Because of this, people who take advantage of it can put trust in the fact that it is based on science and has results that are tried and true.

How Does it Work?

The science behind these diets is that you will be able to go through this plan without having to starve and suffer. A lot of diets get people to cut out crucial food groups or cut too many calories, essentially expecting results by going into starvation mode. Conversely, the HMR Diet is set up to allow you to eat your fill of healthy and nutritious foods, ensuring that you get your fill of plenty of calories that will keep you satisfied, as opposed to having your blood sugar levels thrown out of whack. When you take the time to go onto the HMR Diet, you will have the opportunity to eat your fill of any HMR approved meals, so that it is easier to get through it. Doing this will allow you to stay true to your diet, as opposed to quitting it out of frustration. Another way that the HMR Diet works is by providing you with coaching that will walk you through each and every process. This way, you will be covered on all bases, since the coaches will provide you with both scientific expertise and the encouragement that you need to get through your diet and stick to it until you get the results that you desire.

The Phases of the Diet

The HMR Diet is broken down into two key phases, as explained below.

Phase 1:

The first phase of the HMR Diet revolves around a quick jump start into the program. This jump start is intended for people who may have a lot of weight to lose, and want to see quick results in order to establish foundational levels. In this phase, you will receive a kit that features the foods that will get you through the first three weeks of the diet, except for fruits and veggies, which you will be able to purchase on your own. From here, you will be sent more food kits from the company on a bi-weekly basis. This phase is useful for people who are constantly on the go or busy, because it allows you to get most of the food you need without having to make multiple trips to the grocery store or go through extensive food prep. It is also during this phase that you will learn foundational principles about eating healthy, working out and being more mindful overall about what goes into your body.

The time that you spend in the first phase will depend on your weight loss goals and the amount of time it takes to hit your initial target. After completing phase one, you will be able to move on to phase two.

Phase 2:

During this phase, the company will send you meals on a monthly basis, as opposed to every two weeks. You will be able to go through more extensive diet and lifestyle changes in this phase, including 35 weekly servings of produce and a mixture of healthy foods that are non-HMR. This phase typically lasts one to two months and will allow you to get your fill of lean proteins in the form of low calorie meats and seafood.

Great Food Choices


There are a number of delectable food options included in your meal plan that you will be able to take advantage of. As an example of what these sample meal plans have to offer, you'll be able to enjoy blended whole grains, oats, cranberries and pieces of toasted apple for breakfast, and a mandarin chicken spinach salad with garbanzo beans and vinaigrette dressing for lunch. You'll be able to get your fill of plenty of smoothies and shakes, including the mixed berry smoothie and vanilla protein shake. For dinner, you'll be able to take advantage of such hefty offerings like vegetarian basil ravioli, along with strawberry lemon pudding for dessert. As you can see, you'll be able to make healthy changes in your life, without having to starve yourself or survive on boring salads.

How Much Does HMR Cost?

The cost of the plan starts at $265 for the 3-week phase one starter kit and then costs $180 for meal kits sent every two weeks after that. You can also purchase a la carte shakes and food offerings for about 2 bucks each.


The most important takeaway about the HMR Diet is that it works and allows you to learn about healthy living, while making life long changes. Put these practical guidelines to use and reach out to the company to learn more.



US News & World Report

Hackley Health Management

The post The HMR Diet – Is it Effective for Weight Loss? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Monday 17 October 2016

Medifast Weight Loss Control Centers

Things to Know About Medifast Weight Control Centers and The Diet

Losing weight can be a difficult proposition for just about anyone. A lot of people struggle with the inability to successfully lose weight for a variety of reasons. Some people simply cannot stick to a proper fitness routine, while others may fail to stick to a proper diet. Regardless of your reasons for failure, by sticking to a fully fleshed out, scientifically proven diet program, you should be able to really maximize your chances of achieving success with your weight loss journey. In this article, we will be going over some of the different things that you should know about the Medifast diet and its Weight Control Centers.

The Medifast Diet:

medifast food

1. Goals

The main goal of this particular diet is for both weight control/loss and for diabetes control. Whether you are dealing with weight gain or an inability to lose weight successfully, you should be able to achieve success with this particular diet.

2. The Claim

The claim of the diet is that you should be able to achieve around 2 to 5 pounds of weight loss every single week without having to deal with being hungry all of the time. Thus, the diet is not based around starving yourself. The key to having a successful diet is having a diet that is going to keep you satisfied. This is the only way that your diet will be considered sustainable at all.

3. Balanced Diet

The good thing about this particular diet is that it is incredibly balanced. The diet is excellent because it provides you with sufficient nutrients and vitamins including protein, carbs, fat, and other different kinds of nutrients that your body needs to function at an optimal level. The biggest benefit of this particular diet is that it is nutritionally sound and it does not require you to constantly count points, calories, or carbs.

>>CLICK HERE to Read Our FULL Medifast Review

How Does Medifast Work?

This particular diet utilizes a 5 & 1 plan. This plan essentially revolves around providing 6 meals that you can eat throughout the day. Five of the meals that are provided are going to contain 100 calories. These foods include all kinds of things including snacks, shakes, bars, soups, or even oatmeal. Whereas, the sixth meal that you consume is up to you to prepare. You can eat this meal at anytime throughout each day and it should be a “lean and green” entree that is full of lean protein and vegetables. Because of this, the diet is very easy to follow and it shouldn't cause any kind of trouble with your daily routine as you are only going to be required to prepare one full meal each and everyday.

For those that are looking for a much more flexible diet that allows for more calories to be eaten, this particular program also offers another plan that includes Medifast's meal supplements (4 per day) along with two entrees that are full of lean protein and vegetables. This should allow you to get even more calories into your diet and keep you full and satisfied throughout each and every day. The plan that you choose is ultimately going to be based on your specific requirements and preferences as they are both considered effective to achieve weight loss.

How Much Does It Cost?

One of the big questions that you are likely going to have if you are considering investing in this kind of weight loss program is how much it costs. This particular program is fairly affordable as it will typically cost around $300-320 every 4 weeks. While you would also have to add the additional self-prepared meal ingredients to your tab.

>>LEARN MORE About the Price of Medifast HERE

Ultimately, this is one of the more popular weight loss programs on the market for a reason – it works. It is one of the most effective weight loss programs available because it is actually sustainable and affordable. Not many weight loss programs can say the same thing – especially the programs with centers distributed across the country. If you are looking for one of the best weight loss programs that is not going to break the bank and your spirit, this is the one that you should be looking at implementing into your routine.

The Weight Loss Control Centers


Now if you're lucky enough to live in a town with a Medifast Weight Loss Control Center, then this can be added component to your weight loss journey while on the diet plan. Most towns aren't going to have one, but if you live in or near a larger metro area there is a good chance that it will be home to one of their Centers. There are currently 57 centers located around the country, and the easiest way to find one near you is by searching for the centers on Medifast's Official Website.

The centers can help with things like support and creating indivulized plans for you, but it's important to remember that it isn't necesary to have access to a center in order to enjoy all of the benefits of the Medifast Diet Plan – you can simply sign up through their website to start receiving all of benefits of their revolutionary system for weight loss!

>>CLICK HERE to Learn More About the Medifast Diet Plan

The post Medifast Weight Loss Control Centers appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Friday 14 October 2016

The Meals of Medifast

Using Medifast Meals to Lose Weight

If you are interested in shedding some extra pounds, you probably know that there are tons of options available to you…we detail just a few of them right here at However, it is important that you decide which of these diets is best one for you if you are hoping to achieve some level of success. One of the options that you have available to you is the Medifast Diet program, which we review extensively here on the site.

>>CLICK HERE to Read Our Full Medifast Review

If you happen to live in a larger metro area, then there is a pretty good chance that you have a Medifast Weight Loss center located in your town, but if you're like those of us living here in Montana, then you'll have to check out their official site, or visit blogs like this one to learn more about their revolutionary weight loss program. There are many centers located across the country, and you can utilize their program in order to finally get rid of the extra pounds that you are carrying around, but like I mentioned you don't have to have a center in your town to enjoy all of the benefits of the Medifast system.

the meals of medifast

In any case, meals are obviously the central component to the Medifast system, and are a part of the program that you'll be following once you've signed on. They can be really helpful for people who do not have enough time to go into the kitchen three or four times each day to make healthy meals. This is probably the biggest reason I am a big fan of programs like Medifast and Nutrisystem – they make things so easy that it's almost impossible to lose weight if you just eat the food that they provide. Simply put, Medifast meals are for real people in the real world.

The creators of the program understand that most people have extremely busy schedules, that don't leave much time to worry about things like cooking, counting calories or points. That is the reason that they put together this very easy to understand and use system. You can eat the Medifast meals as a part of the program that also includes plenty of other ready to eat options.

If you look into the program, you will most likely find that there are a bunch of other men and women out there with circumstances exactly like yours who have already reached their weight loss goals by taking advantage of this fantastic program. It is so simple that you will find that you actually spend less time worrying about what you are going to eat when you are on the Medifast meals plan.

Of course, you will have other options as well so that you can enjoy spending time with family and friends. In addition to their ready-made meals, you will also be provided with tools so you can deal with eating out with friends and family, and also some great meals that you can prepare and eat at home along with the rest of your family.

This is very important to those who are married or have children at home who need to eat as well. In fact, the Medifast meals and the plan are designed to make sure that you are comfortable and able to eat the right foods no matter what. For instance, you can easily pack a meal off to work instead of worrying about going out to lunch with your coworkers where you will spend too much money and probably eat way too many calories.

The usual alternative, to make and pack a lunch each morning along with everything else that you must do, is too much. You are already stressed out trying to get the rest of the pack off to school and work, you do not need the extra task of putting together a healthy salad before the sun has even cracked the sky in the morning!

However, you can take advantage of the Medifast meals and grab one on your way out of the door. If work at a place where you don't have to worry about someone stealing your food (we've all worked with the person ;)), you could even take a whole week's worth of lunches on Monday and not have to worry about it again the rest of the week!

Similarly, you can use the meals in the evenings during dinner time. While you eventually want to learn how to make healthy meals for yourself and your family, Medifast will help set you on the path to better health while you learn the ropes and figure out the right foods to eat for weight loss. While you're on the system you can prepare the foods that your family or loved ones enjoy, or even let them practice their own culinary skills, while you save time and effort by eating your own Medifast meals. This will allow you to feel full and sated while everyone else is eating and will help to prevent breaks in your diet plan. Or in some cases you may even have family members who join you on the plan and you can eat the Medifast meals together.

If you are ready to lose some weight and are serious about taking charge, use the Medifast meals and the rest of their plan in order to transform yourself from your current state to a higher level of health, wellness and happiness that others will notice!

Read More about the Medifast Meal Plans here.

The post The Meals of Medifast appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

Monday 10 October 2016

The Food of Medifast

What Does Medifast Food Taste Like?

There are a lot of people that are skeptical when they hear about the Medifast weight loss plan. Sure, the plan sounds good. After all, who wouldn't want to have ready-made meals delivered right to their door. What a lot of people worry about is the quality of the food itself. No one wants to pay for meals that they won't want to eat.

If you take the time to learn more about the food that Medifast includes in their boxes, you may be more interested in testing this plan out for yourself. Medifast knows that people don't want to eat low-quality food. Because of this, they work to ensure that the food that they offer is nutritious, low calorie, and extremely delicious.

>>CLICK HERE to Lock in the BEST Price on Medifast

Sweet Treats

You won't be stuck snacking on vegetables all the time if you try out Medifast. All of their boxes include some sort of sweet treat. Among their more popular offerings are brownies.

medifast snack bars

You might think that brownies and weight loss don't go together. While that is certainly true of your standard brownies, that isn't true of Medifast brownies. These brownies are definitely diet friendly.

Another advantage of the Medifast system is that it always provides the appropriate portion sizes. Although the brownies they offer are mouth-watering, you won't be able to binge on them. When you snack on your brownies, you'll only have enough for a single snack.

Meal Shakes

Replacing a meal with a shake can be a fantastic way to lose weight. After all, all kinds of healthy foods can be included in a shake. In addition, shakes tend to be low in calories when they aren't packed full of sugar.

Shakes are a big part of the Medifast plan. Though the shakes that they offer don't taste like a milkshake that you might order from the store, they do taste very good.

If you're not a fan of shakes as meals, you may want to test out a Medifast shake. Once you've had a taste of these shakes, it will be a lot easier for you to see why so many people enjoy them.


medifast soup

Soup is a quick and easy meal. If you don't have a lot of time to cook, you can prepare a bowl of soup in a matter of minutes.

In addition, a well prepared soup can be incredibly delicious. The soups that you will find in Medifast boxes will blow you away.

They offer classic soups, such as chicken noodle soup, as well as some more unusual soup flavors. If you like sitting down with a nice bowl of soup on a chilly day, you will love being on the Medifast plan.

Mashed Potatoes

When you are on the Medifast plan, you won't just have meals that you can eat and enjoy. You will also have side dishes. These side dishes will be healthy, but they definitely won't sacrifice flavor.

As an example of this, some Medifast boxes include rich and creamy mashed potatoes. When you munch on these potatoes, you won't feel like you are dieting. You will feel like you are eating the way you have always wanted to eat.


Pasta is something that many people assume you can't eat when you're dieting. After all, it is loaded with carbohydrates. However, carbs aren't as bad as people have made them out to be. As with any food, they are just fine when consumed in moderation. Pasta can actually be a very healthy meal choice.

If you want to eat more pasta, you will love the dishes that come in your Medifast box. You can eat perfectly portioned pasta for your dinner at the end of the day.

Meals That Are Easy To Prepare

the food of medifast

Medifast is designed to make eating right easy. Because of this, most of their meals are very easy to prepare. A lot of the meals that they offer are microwavable, or just need to be heated up on the stovetop.

However, none of these foods sacrifice flavor or nutrients. They taste great even though you aren't making them fresh.

If you want to try out a weight loss program, you should definitely give Medifast a test run. It is a delicious way to lose weight and get healthy.

The post The Food of Medifast appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.