Saturday 10 September 2016

Does Nutrisystem Actually Work?

Spoiler alert! Yes, Nutrisystem works GREAT! But, with that being said – these days, diet programs have become incredibly popular. There are a huge number of reasons for this, everything from questionable body image problems in society, to actual health problems due to the way the United States deals with food and food packaging.


That said, the prevalence of diet programs does not necessarily mean that every diet program is made equal. Frankly, there are a huge number of diet programs that are little more than scams! They will talk quite a bit about changing up your diet, or about how they are giving you information that the doctors don't want you to know, or how there's really one specific chemical that does one specific thing that makes it impossible to lose weight and as long as you get rid of that chemical you'll be able to beat them within days!

This can make it incredibly difficult to figure out whether or not a diet program actually works. It certainly doesn't help people who are trying to lose weight, nor does it help companies that are actually trying to sell a good, honest product.

>>CLICK HERE to Lock in the BEST Deal on Nutrisystem!

Recently, a diet program referred to as Nutrisystem has become quite prominent on television. It's endorsed by Marie Osmond, so it it certainly has a celebrity endorsement that will get people to notice. But celebrity endorsements don't necessarily mean that the system is worth anything. Which brings us to one specific question. Namely, does Nutrisystem actually work?

What is Nutrisystem?

In order to understand whether or not Nutrisystem works, it's incredibly important to understand how it's supposed to work. After all, it's difficult to judge whether or not a thing works without knowing what it's supposed to be doing in the first place.

the real cost of the nutrisystem diet plan

The basic concept behind Nutrisystem is portion control. Naturally, there is a large amount of calorie control, but while the NutriSystem food does have fewer calories than many different foods of the same type, it's clear that Nutrisystem really focuses on the portion control aspect of a diet.

How does it do that? By selling you a menu. More specifically, Nutrisystem has a number of different kinds of foods, all made to be lower-calorie and healthier than similar foods that you would find at the grocery store or made by most food companies. However, simply having better food is not the only part of Nutrisystem's plan.

In addition to the healthier food, Nutrisystem also sells you meals in smaller portion sizes. However, it doesn't just expect you to eat less for a meal and then feel full and healthy. Nutrisystem recommends more portions throughout the day, so that you can feel full more often. This, in turn, is supposed to allow you to eat less overall while still maintaining that feeling of fullness that keeps you from overeating.

Does Nutrisystem Work?

The short answer is YES! But, now that you know how Nutrisystem is supposed to work, we can get down to whether or not it actually does. The answer to that is, unfortunately, not as clear-cut as many people would like.

Nutrisystem has two major points in its favor. The first is that it sells food that is genuinely lower in calories, and higher in nutrients. The second is that scientific studies do support the idea that eating smaller portions more often helps a person feel full more easily than larger portions eaten less often.


The spot where Nutrisystem might fail you is that it doesn't actually teach you how to eat better. While it's all well and good to eat NutriSystem food, and portion your meals out the way they tell you to portion them out, it doesn't really help you maintain that if you have to stop using Nutrisystem. Science has shown repeatedly that the quickest way to gain all of your lost weight right back is to go back to your previous eating habits.

So, is Nutrisystem actually going to work for you? The answer to that depends on two factors. One, how long are you capable of being able to use Nutrisystem? Two, what are the chances of maintaining your new eating habits once you stop using Nutrisystem? If you are in a steady financial situation and you have no fear of needing to tighten your belt, then Nutrisystem can certainly work for you. However, if you feel that you can't turn your diet into an actual lifestyle of how you interact with food, then Nutrisystem may not actually be for you.

>>CLICK HERE to Lock in the BEST Deal on Nutrisystem!

The post Does Nutrisystem Actually Work? appeared first on The Diet Dynamo.

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